Tickle Me Ryan

I'm 2 years old. I love to get into trouble, but with a face like this, it works for me. I like anything electrical and anything dangerous. My mom says I'm going to grow up to be an electrician or going to be a corpse. (I don't quite understand.)

I like airplanes, busses, SHIPS and teasing anyone around.

And I love to eat, and eat, and eat!! I weigh in at more than my 4 year old brother, and my waist is almost as large as my 8 year old brother.... and I'm the normal one!! Grampa secretly hopes I'll become a Chicago Bear line backer, but right now I'm only slightly taller than a football!

"Booh hooh... the Bears lost again - they stink - teee heee heee......."

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Look at me - I'm 2 years old today!!

"Fire.... cooollllll"

This page was last updated 01/23/00 04:33:55 PM and is © by the Cazabon Family - 1996 - 1999.