Videos and Books

We watch a lot of videos and enjoy reading books.  Our book collection is made up mostly of children's books, but we also have some other favorites.

Here is a list of our current video tapes and books


This weeks new video updated April 27th, 1999

A Bug's Life from Walt Disney (widescreen)

What can be said about this movie that already hasn't been said?   Flick and the "warrior" bugs take on Hopper and the other grass hoppers.   The out-takes at the end of  the movie are funny!!  A must see!!


This weeks new book updated July 1st, 1999

The Gift of Dyslexia

If you're interested in seeing or reading any of these videos or books, we're happy to be an associate of Amazon Books.  The videos and books listed below may be available from Amazon Book or through their network of used video and book stores.  Simply click on the book name and you'll be transferred to Amazon's web site and a listing for the book or video, or use the below search to check the Amazon database.

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